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December and New Year Opening Hours 2023
7.12.2023 This year, Mineraalilaboratorio Mila Oy will be closed for the entire period between Chris…
Starting on September 5th, 2023, Mila will continue analyzing clinical routine analysis.
5.9.2023 The subcontracted clinical routine analysis will conclude on September 5th, 2023. This pert…
Commencing on August 28th, 2023, Mila will initiate the analysis of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (Ox-LDL)
24.8.2023 The subcontracting of the P -Ox-LDL study (oxidized LDL cholesterol) ends on August 25, 20…
Welcome to visit our updated webpages!
24.7.2023 MILA has updated her webpages in Finnish and English. Instructions for patients are added …
P -OxLDL test for temporary subcontracting
9.6.2023 We have to subcontract the P -OxLDL test (oxidized LDL cholesterol) between June 9, 2023 an…
Extension of the key tag for the online store ravitsemusmittausket.fi
3.5.2023 The Association for Finnish Work has granted to the MILA’s webshop ravitsemusmittauks…
As of March 31, 2023, a new analysis method for urine iodine is in place, along with updated patient instructions. Furthermore, the iodine reference ranges and sample requirements have been revised to reflect the changes.
31.3.2023 We have implemented a new and updated analysis method for measuring iodine in urine. The c…
How to find the laboratory referral and other instructions
2.3.2023 MILA has recently updated its instructions, which are now available in the Laboratory manua…
Collection of customer feedback
2.3.2023 Mineral Research Laboratory MILA is conducting a customer satisfaction survey to gather fee…
The sampling instructions have been updated
8.11.2022 Updated sampling instructions can be found at https://mineraalilaboratoriomila.fi/laborato…
Webshop is open
8.11.2022 Don’t miss out on the opening offer! Mineral Research Laboratory MILA now offers its…
S -D-25 study temporarily subcontracted
5.7.2022 Problems appeared in the traditional HPLC method in week 26 Samples arrived between June 15…
Analyzer change in clinical routine analysis
4.7.2022 Starting July 4, 2022, the studies were transferred from the previously used Thermo Fisher …
fS-KOL-LDL direct measurement has been introduced
4.7.2022 In connection with the device transfer, we also introduced a direct enzymatic method for th…
Summer opening hours
1.7.2022 Mila is open for a limited time between Wed 14 July and Fri 29 July 2022. Closed Mon, Tue-F…