Ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10)

fS-Ubikin KL 4363

Q10 is a vitamin-like fat-soluble substance that the body also forms itself. It is in LDL and HDL cholesterol in the blood. Q10 is responsible for the transformation of food energy into cell energy and prevents the oxidation of cells and fats in the body.


Determination of body ubiquinone level.


Blood sample. Requires 12 hours of fasting. Glass of water and usual medication is allowed.

No ubikinone (Q10) supplements during 12 hours.


1 mL of serum (minimum 0.5 mL) or lithium heparin plasma (12 hours fasting). Protect from direct sunlight.

Storage and delivery

Delivery at room temperature on the sampling day. Store refrigerated over the weekend, ship at room temperature.


Liquid chromatography (HPLC).

Reference ranges

adults ( over 15 yrs) 0.41 – 2.50 μmol/L

​children ( under 15 yrs) 0.48 – 1.44 μmol/L

Testing frequency​

Once per week

Turnaround time​

(weekdays) 5 – 10



Last updated 8.8.2023